Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Live Script Read – Friday July 6 – 11AM-1:00PM

14th Annual ReelHeART International
Film and Screenplay Festival

Friday July 06, 2018
Toronto, Canada

*Feature Screenplay Winner*

Hart House – 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
University of Toronto Campus – (College McCaul TTC Stop)

Mortality Game
114 Pages – World Premiere
by Ed Vela, Texas, United States

KeyWords #Screenplay #Quirky #CharacterDriven #Dramedy #LivingLife #FacingDeath #BucketList #Mortality

  • Facebook /ed.vela.1
  • Twitter @theedvela

Inspiration for the Screenplay My germ of creation was just the idea of how we face death being just as important as how we live our lives. They go hand in hand. The more you remember your own mortality, the more you are liable to live your life to the fullest. I wanted to fashion a story, in a somewhat absurd way, that was about unlikely friends coming together to face their fears, apprehensions, bewilderment together even as they try to cheat death a bit at every turn. By doing a character driven story that is both hysterically funny and tear wellingly poignant the story in essence is a microcosm for life itself, as everyone’s life is a dramedy, not always funny, not always tragic.

The Mortality Game tackles much more than simple issues of life and death, but of friendship, devotion, and how to support one another through times that would erode the relationships of people with less strongly woven bonds of love. I guess that was my inspiration. I wanted to write a piece that spoke to that kind of bonding through shared experience and how when faced with life critical, pivotal moments, it is oh, so much easier to NOT face them alone.