Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Elinor Mead Howells – Screenwriter

Tuesday July 05 – 11:00AM(EST)
>Online via Zoom<
Live Script Read

Join ReelHeART and a Talented Cast of Professional Actors as they Perform the Script Below in it’s Entirety.

Grab a Coffee and Danish, Eat Lunch or Supper and Enjoy From Around The Block or Around The World!

>Screenwriter Q&A Follows The Live Script Read

Bris Me Goodbye

Elinor Mead Howells – Screenwriter
Miami, Florida, United States


I have a passion for telling stories that seek to connect to my audience on a deep level while also challenging them to question previous certainties. My passion for screenwriting began at a very young age which led me to study film at the University of Miami. I have written several shorts and directed three original short films. I’m known for creating an open and vulnerable set that prioritizes comfort and inspiring talent and artistic growth in my collaborators.


When a romantic evening becomes a trip to the ER, Colin and Rachel must spend their anniversary resurfacing unresolved issues in their relationship stemming from the fact that Colin is not Jewish. Eventually they must determine what matters more to them, love and passion or tradition and values.

Inspiration For The Script

Bris Me Goodbye is my second original film. I began conceptualizing the story initially because I wanted to tell a story surrounding Jewish themes and creating representation for a community I belong to that rarely see’s the screen. While Bris Me Goodbye is about a Jewish woman, I feel strongly that the story itself transcends any particular community, and speaks to anyone whose ever questioned if love was always enough. I hope this film inspires conversation and wills people to challenge their ways of thinking.

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  • Hashtags #Romance #Drama #Comedy #Jewish #Interfaith #JewishDating #JDate #TheHeartWantsWhatTheHeartWants #Dating #Intimacy #LoveAndMarriage #ItsNotYouItsMe

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