Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Wednesday July 6 – Live Feature Script Read 11:30AM


Room B, Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre
(formerly Habroufront Community Centre)
627 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON M5V 3G3

[wp_cart:Wednesday 11.30AM Room B, Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre – Feature Screenplay Live Read- Tickets $ 12 each:price:12.00:end]

[wp_cart:SENIOR Wednesday 11.30AM B, Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre – Feature Screenplay Live Read – SENIOR Tickets $ 6 each:price:6.00:end]

Feature Screenplay Live Read

300-Jack_and_The_Box_Store_Heidi_FitzgeraldJack and The Box Store (103 Pages) – Screenwriter, Heidi Fitzgerald – Minneapolis,  MN, USA

Synopsis: After declining her longtime girlfriend’s proposal, a disgruntled hardware store owner, seeking something fresh, falls in love with the new girl in town, a straight woman–and a representative of her hardware store’s biggest competitor.

Key Words:  #Lesbian #Romance #Comedy #Romcom #EnsemblePiece #GayHumor #RolesForWomen #SmallTown #SmallTownRomance #CorporationsTakingOver #Lesbians #Bowling #RolesForOlderWomen #FemaleComedians

Screenwriter Bio: Heidi FitzGerald is a screenwriter and playwright from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.  Her screenplays have been finalists in numerous competitions including the Nashville Film Festival, Fresh Voices, OutFest LA and the Pride Films and Plays Competition.  She has also been the recipient of the Vermont Playwright Award and her plays have been produced in Vermont, Texas and Minnesota. She is an alumni of the prestigious Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference in Middlebury, Vermont.

Inspiration for My Screenplay: I lived in a small town in Maine years ago when a large corporate giant came into town and basically killed off the downtown, shop by shop. Initially, that experience was my basic inspiration for this screenplay, but I also wanted to write something that gave multi-generational and meaty roles to female actresses. That being said, lesbians are systematically underrepresented in film and most of us are dying for movies that have a decent plot and don’t involve yet another coming out story or dramatic suffering theme simply because there are lesbians featured. So, I’ve attempted to create a romantic comedy where the gay characters are free to be who they are without drama over their sexuality that provides good laughs, some heart and a happy ending to boot (for once!).