Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Wed. 4:00PM

Carlton Magic Lantern, 20 Carlton St, Toronto, College Subway Station [Map]


[wp_cart:Wednesday 4 PM Japan Carlton Magic Lantern, 20 Carlton St, Toronto – Tickets $ 12 each:price:12.00:end]

Theme: “Japan Finds It’s ReelHeART” – Tender Films from Japanese Filmmakers


Summer Time’ (30:33 min, 日本)
dir. Kota Fudauchi *Filmmaker, Lead Actress, Cinematographer In Attendance

Synopsis: Whenever it comes to summer time, it reminds us a lot of things which are either bitter memories or very special special times.  Have you ever had a special memory of summer time? This movie has its own summer time…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grandsummertime
Tumblr: http://grand-summertime.tumblr.com/
Film “SUMMER TIME” trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=12&v=F6q5bP_bvt8
Affiliation production: http://sticker-inc.com/talent/kouta_fudauchi.php
Film SUMMER TIME’s  twitter @Film_SUMMERTIME


‘A Candle Lights The Heart’ (85:15 min, 日本, USA)
dir. by Shinji Kondo *Filmmaker In Attendance

Synopsis: Every Memorial Day in the United States, thousands of people come together at a beach in Honolulu, Hawaii to float candle-lit lanterns as an homage to loved ones who have passed away. While the ritual originates in Buddhist tradition, the event is for people of all beliefs. Against the backdrop of this highly emotional event, A Candle Lights the Heart follows five stories of loss, grief and, finally, redemption and peace at this memorable Lantern Floating event…

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/124385887