Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Tuesday June 24 – Live Read Short Screenplays

[wp_cart:Tuesday June 24 Live Read Short Screenplays Tickets $ 12 each:price:12.00:end]
[wp_cart:Live Read Feature Pass (before May 23) $30 each:price:30.00:end]

Harbourfront Community Center (HCC)
627 Queen’s Quay West Toronto, ON Canada M5V 3G3


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Tuesday June 24, 2014

  • “From Man to Monster”, by Frederic Lecamus (France)
  • “The Greater Man”, by Katarzyna Kochany (Toronto, CDN)
  • “National Pastime”, by David Lieto (USA)
  • “Threesome”, by Mark Ezovski (USA)


LacamusFrom Man To Monster” – Short Screenplay Top 3 Winner
by Frederic Lecamus  (Plaisir, France)

The Story: Ezekiel is one of those chosen souls. Somewhere, somehow, before incarnating, he accepted that in order to achieve what he was meant to, he’d have to bear scars. A lot of them. Deaths after tragedies, he endures the worst mankind has to offer. But it’s the love of his mother that will teach him what’s worthy about life. After losing his brother and his mother, he leaves for good this troubled house. But he has never been passive, he was actively surviving. And that harsh life made him the man he is, the man he was supposed to be for what’s to come.

Screenwriter Bio: Originally coming from a scientific background, Frederic Lecamus started a career in computer development and financial analysis. It is his passion for cinema that made him join the short film collective Decheko Films in 2001, in various positions, where he has learned the craft of film making.

In 2011 he became the manager of the production company DCK Films during which he discovered a passion for screenplays. Since then he has been writing TV Shows, feature films and short films, spec or in collaboration with actors and friends. Awards and finalist selections include independent film festivals in Toronto, Sacramento and Providence.

Inspiration: “From Man To Monster” is in fact the introduction of a feature film that will show the birth and life of the antagonist in a TV Show I wrote. He will appear monstrous and evil, yet I wanted to make the viewer doubt, to make the spectators realize that evil does not create evil, that in the end it will show that the most beautiful flower can grow on top of a pile of dirt. And that even if you have to walk deep into the dark side, free will is the key to understanding people, not appearances.

NB: “From Man To Monster” is Frederic’s first entry to ReelHeART


KochanyThe Greater Man” – Short Screenplay Top 3 Winner
by Katarzyna Kochany (Toronto, Canada)

Logline: A world-class doctor makes amends with his uneducated father

Screenwriter Bio: Katarzyna Kochany, a ReelHeART alumna since 2006, is a family-friendly filmmaker/writer endorsed by Dove Foundation and KIDS FIRST! Recognized with 100+ official selections and 30 awards, Katarzyna’s films and scripts have been showcased at events in USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Italy and Kingdom of Swaziland

Inspiration: “The Greater Man” was part of Los Angeles Write of Passage speed writing program. The goal was to create a short script inspired by the biblical verse Matthew 5:23-24, “Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift”

lietoNational Pastime” – Short Screenplay Top 3 Winner
by David Lieto (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Screenwriter Bio: Depression, frustration, apathy – these are but a few of the villians that faced David Lieto, with some regularity, since he broke his neck in 1980. He was 14 when he was struck by a car from behind while he rode a bicycle. With the love and support of his friends and family David powered on. One of his greatest allies during this time of his life was an active imagination which was a great source of the optimism he needed as well as some escapist diversions to get through the tough times. Years later, after high school and college, David would tap into his imagination again in order to write and direct short films like “Psycho Writer” and “A Better Place,” the latter of which starred Don Jamieson of VH1’s “That Metal Show.” Recently, David authored a Christmas book, “The Errant Elf.” And, with the help of two comic book legends, he has been able to bring the tale of “The Squeeg” to life. Check out our website:

Inspiration: I originally wrote the story back in 1982 to help prop-up a grade in a High School English. Unfortunately I was tardy in handing in the extra credit project so I had to settle for a “B.” I decided to resurrect the story when I realized it had been 11 years since my last film project. I fully intend on shooting this sometime in the next year.

EzovskiThreesome” – Short Screenplay Honorable Mention
by Mark Ezovski (Brooklyn, New York)

Logline: What would happen if we could have it all…?

Screenwriter Bio: Mark Ezovski is a writer, director, producer, shooter and editor. His feature documentary The Absolute Truth About Pro Wrestling won the Best Venue Film award at ReelHeART in 2006. His dramatic feature Across Dot Ave. won the Silver Palm Award at the Mexico International Film Festival in 2009 and returns to ReelHeART for a five year anniversary screening. His video clients include, Aguilar Amplicfication and Merrill Lynch. He has taught film classes at St. John’s University, the University of South Florida, the Katharine Gibbs School and Touro College. He is knee-deep in preproduction on several short and feature film projects as well as a stage play featuring his own original rock songs.

Inspiration: “Threesome” is based on a true story. Romantic relationships can be difficult and challenging. Asking intelligent, free-thinking and independent individuals to put aside desires and personal needs for the benefit of other self sufficient adults is asking a lot. Some are willing to make the sacrifice. Many more can’t do it even though they’ve been taught they should. They pretend to make the sacrifice but quickly grow tired of it — infidelity is more than common.


raindanceRaindance Toronto – Dedicated to supporting independent film in Canada through training courses and events. Raindance Canada promotes and supports independent filmmaking in Canada and around the world. Raindance is founder of the Raindance Film Festival and The British Independent Film Awards. Raindance doesn’t teach filmmaking, Raindance makes filmmakers. Through our signature courses and networking events, we help you learn the business of filmmaking.

We welcome Raindance as a proud partner of the 10th Annual ReelHeART – The Top 3 Short Script Winners will receive as part of their prize a *Premium Membership* courtesy of Raindance Toronto.