Tuesday Live Reads – Tickets $ 12 each :

“Good Grief” by Luigi Visconti – Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1st Place – ReelHeART Short Screenplay Competition
- Bio: Luigi Visconti is a 24 year old writer and musician from Montreal. “Good Grief” is his first screenplay.
- Inspiration For Screenplay: Through the eyes of a man whose life takes a sudden turn, it explores personal triumph in the face of self induced unhappiness.
hello… Just touching base – I’m playing the wife in your script for reel heart and I wanted to congratulate you..
Thank you so much! I just saw your comment.
Looking forward to the whole thing. See you there!
Hello, bonjour!
I will be narrating your screenplay. I hope to do justice to your “stage” directions! (As a live read, we do have to abridge for time, but I hope to capture the tone of the screenplay!)
See you at the read!