Tuesday Live Reads – Tickets $ 12 each :

“Tapestry” by Alkioni Valsari and Kristen Ross – Greece, Germany, Chile, Toronto, Canada
Tied for 2nd Place – ReelHeART Short Screenplay Competition
- Bio: Kristen has lived in six countries on three continents and is a dual European citizen. She lived for four years in Greece, working extensively as an actress in TV and film with talents such as Oscar-winning director, Kostas Gavras. In 2013, she was chosen by the WGC as a participant to Bell Media’s Diverse Screenwriters Program. Shortly after she was named Grand Prize Winner by Script Pipeline for her original mystery/sci-fi TV series, The Void. Prior to that, she worked in Creative Development in Los Angeles. To date, Tapestry has been awarded honors in the Best Short Film Script category by four different festivals. ReelHeART however, is particularly special because Toronto is Kristen’s hometown.
- Inspiration for Screenplay: Writing and developing Tapestry has been a labor of love. My writing partner, Alkioni Valsari, was initially inspired by Jim Sheridan’s portrait of an immigrant Irish family in his film, In America. She came to me with the idea shortly after immigrating herself to Germany and I was thrilled to come on board. We’ve both been foreigners so we understand the complexities and obstacles one faces – language and culture, identity. The economic crisis has caused massive social transformations in Europe, Greece in particular, and we wanted to explore this issue in an intimate and accessible way; Tapestry became our vehicle.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlkioniValsari
- FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/alkioni.valsari
Hi Alkioni Valsari and Kristen Ross,
I am playing Girl #1 and Denise the Nurse. I enjoyed your script.
Hello Ms. Valsari and Ms. Ross,
I am playing Aleka in Tapestry. I found it an honest way in which a young girl would feel leaving home to a new country right at that age. She is feisty, but still a big mommy and daddys girl. Cant wait to bring it to life for you!
I enjoyed it a lot! I can feel something deep there, like almost it happened to one of you. I am playing Thomas by the way and i’ll do my best tomorrow.
Hello Alkioni and Kristen!
I will be narrating this script today. Hope to meet you there!